Now that school has been in session for several weeks, how do you feel about the new K-8 uniform policy?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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Now that school has been in session for several weeks, how do you feel about the new K-8 uniform policy?
Posted by
Akron Public Schools
2:12 PM
I really like the uniforms. However, I still believe that black pants should have been an option. At my child's school, he had a situation where his shirt came untucked as he was getting books out of his locker and he didn't notice. As he was walking down the hall a teacher told him to go to detention for not having his shirt tucked in. There have been several students wearing jeans, gray pants, and other inappropriate attire and nothing was said to them. Uniforms should be a strict policy or no policy at all.
I love the uniform policy! ALL students look ready to learn, prefessional, and ready for school. The way they choose to dress outside of school is their business, the way the dress in school should reflect that if preparing for the real world! As a parent the affordability is wonderful, all children are equal in appearance, and laundry is so much easier during the week!
I think black pants and even shirts should be considered. Black can be a very nice color on all students, easy to find/buy, and cleans up well.
I do see boys walking out of schools with pants drooped down and still wearing very oversized shirts. For the safety of all kids, when will this become something that is not tolerated?
Also, there should be some clarification on acceptable footwear, socks, leggings, etc. Each school seems to be doing their own thing, why not be consistent across the city?
The school uniforms are GREAT! I can already see a difference in the children's behavior towards one another. (An argument that I thought previously was a weak one) The competitiveness over clothes has diminished.
I would agree with other caretakers' requests to add black slacks. However, I think the allowance for EACH school to reflect their individuality is a new battle that needs to be surrendered to. Leave it alone. To tackle it would be nit-picky, Let us enjoy what we have!
As of this past week black is now approved by the school board as an acceptable choice in pants, shorts and skirts.
I attend Miller south and I think that the kids at my school make a MUCH too large deal out of uniforms,I mean yes we ARE an arts school, but we still get to express ourselves evryday in our arts period. Anyway lat year we basically wore uniforms cuz everyone wore jeans EVERYDAY, jeans and a shirt WAS our uniform. how is this any diferent?
Hello! I am Elizabeth and I attend Ellet High School. I think uniforms for highschoolers would be an amazing idea. The dress code we have now isn't enforced the way it should be and kids still do what they feel. Many of the boys that come into school are wearing pants to where you can see the crotch of them down to their knees, and girls they arent any better. Cleavage exposed, jeans wayy to tight, or jeans that are cut soo low that you bend over and your panties hang out..
My mother had raised me up to dress appropriately.. yes you can wear low cut shirts just make sure you wear another shirt that covers up what the other doesnt. Yes you can wear jeans that are form fitting but as long as you cant see every line of your lower body...
Having said all of this, I am a sophomore and I think the High Schoolers would benefit from having uniform put into effect for the 09-10 school year. It would make our lifes as students a lot easier and a lot easier for the administrations...
I hated them at first to be honest but am appreciating them now due to the fact I am not buying as much high priced clothing.
I hear rumors the high school is going to go to uniforms?
And whats up with the black colors are they ok i don't remember seeing anything?
I am still in total disagreement of school uniforms. Even more so as we enter the second semester of school.
I have never spent this much money on my child for school clothes. We started out the year with 2 pair of long pants, 2 skorts, 5 short sleeve shirts, 1 sweater and 1 jumper.
By the time fall came I added 3 more pairs of long pants. By early winter I purchased 5 turtlenecks, and winter tights because the buildings are too cold. In the meantime my child out grew her regular clothes so I had to purchase 5 pairs of jeans and 5 long sleeved shirts.
All I have done since the beginning of the school year is buy clothes. If it wasn't for the uniform purchase, I would have started out the school year with the 5 pairs of jeans(bought off the clearance table) and 5 shirts and would have been done.I don't even want to sit down and think about how much it has cost me because I know I have spent at least three times the amount of money I would have. I can only hope that her jumper and skorts still fit so we can make it to June without any more uniform purchases.
Don't even tell me you want the high school students to wear uniforms because my other child would need new uniforms monthly the rate he grows. The way the economy is I need to be able to spread my money out to be able to pay all my bills, not just spend it on clothing.
In response to the "aps volunteer", if you had to buy new uniform clothes because your child grew, then you would have had to buy new non-uniform clothes anyways. My children have worn the same uniforms since the beginning of the year, and it hasn't cost me any more money then normal. I would have bought clothes separate for school and play anyways! I love them not having to decide what to wear everyday. It's a given.
In response to the "parent", do the math.... buying two sets of clothes(uniform and non uniform) every time your child out grows their clothes cost more money. You said you already buy your kids school and play clothes now, so of course you would not see the cost difference. I have never bought my kids play clothes. What makes them play clothes if they are all brand new? Doesn't that make them your good clothes? I was raised that your play clothes were the clothes you are about to out grow and the new clothes mom just bought you were your good clothes. It was a given at our house.
I think you misunderstood or I wasn't clear. Because my children wear uniforms I had to buy other clothing as well. I don't know about you but some clothes I would buy I wouldn't necessary send my children to school in. School is a place of business for them and they should look as such. I'm not going to buy sweat pants for them to wear on a daily basis to school. I also wouldn't necsessarily send them to school in clothes considered "good" or for dress up occassions. These are the second set of clothes I'm referring to.
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